Research Centres
Citizen Science
- Sea Watchers
Mediterranean citizen science portal by which people in contact with the sea can share their observations and experience regarding changing phenomena in this environment, which is useful for various marine research projects. - Natusfera
Natusfera is an adaptation of iNaturalist developed by CREAF and Bineo Consulting, where you can upload your fauna and flora pictures to share it with the community. - Marduino, my buoy, our data and the sea
A project for measuring the sea water transparency in a collaborative way. - Citclops
Citizens’ Observatory for Coast and Ocean Optical Monitoring
Observatori Ciutadà per al seguiment de la costa i l’oceà - The great eggcase hunt project
The project quickly developed with the aim of getting as many people as possible out hunting for eggcases and recording their finds. Empty eggcases can help indicate species presence and diversity
- Sea Watchers
Learning materials
General Resources
ARC (Aplicació de Recursos al Currículum)
Education Department, Government of Catalonia
Platform for teachers to share teaching proposals associated with basic skills and educative curriculum materials.
Coastal and Marine Resources
Dissemination portal of what researchers do at Marine Sciences Institute CSIC. Full of interesting learning materials.
A repository of resources and activities of natural sciences, biology and geology on the Mediterranean coast.
EduCaixa Educant dins i fora de l’aula
Educational platform of the “la Caixa” Foundation, designed to offer learning tools and resources.
ICM. Introduction to oceanography
Website of educational resources on Oceanography.
How to do your own malacology collection
All the steps to do your own classification of shells.
Catalan Association of Malacology
L’ACM NGO whose main goal is to promote the study of malacology in Catalonia.
The Spanish Society of Malacology
NGO whose main goal is to promote the study of malacology in Spain.
The fundamentals about malacology (Santiago de Compostela University)
Some concepts about the biology of the mollusca.
Atlas that includes the most precise and realistic seagrass maps for each region of the Spanish coast which have been integrated in a GIS to obtain the distribution and area of each seagrass species.
Presentation "The role of seagrasses in the face of climate change"
Pdf presentation done by the Biology Department of Cadiz University about the role of seagrasses on climate change mitigation.
Scientific paper written by OBSAM from the information obtained by several questionnaires to people on beaches in order to value their knowledge about neptune seagrass (Posidonia oceanica). Interesting methodology to replicate on student projects.
"Farmed in the EU". Aquaculture School Project
Learning resources to introduce aquaculture on schools.

Marine and coastal protected areas
Natural Parks
Columbretes Islands Natural Park
Other protected areas in Tarragona's province
Cartography tools
Viewer of protected areas in Catalonia
GIS type cartographic tool of the protected natural areas of Catalonia
Oceanographic remote sensing. IEO Santander
Sea surface temperature maps of the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean. Almost up-to-date data and some historical series.
An online publishing outlet of satellite imagery and other scientific information pertaining to the climate and the environment which are being provided by NASA for consumption by the general public.
Coastal marine habitats
Cartography of the coastal habitats of Catalonia
A series of graphic materials from the project "Cartography of the coastal habitats of Catalonia".