We would like to thank all the secondary schools who have believed in our project from the very first day, and have enthusiastically taken on all the advice and help we offer. The project was originally created thinking about schools in the Baix Ebre and Ribera d’Ebre areas but finally we included the option for schools from the Montsià area to the south of the River Ebro to join so as to make up the number of education centres the project needed. We would especially like to give our thanks to the local offices of the Education Department (CRP Baix Ebre, CRP Ribera d’Ebre and Serveis Territorials d’Ensenyament de les Terres de l’Ebre) for their support and help in carrying out the work involved in setting up the project.
Do you want to know which secondary schools are participating?

Candelera High School
L’Ametlla de Mar

Blanca d'Anjou High School
El Perelló

Deltebre High School

Dertosa High School

Roquetes High School

Flix High School

Sòl-de-Riu High School

Manuel Sales i Ferré High School